Having lived in Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu and travelled extensively diving around the region, the South Pacific is our playground. Whether you're looking for a dive trip to a remote area or looking for luxury we can arrange an itinerary to suit.
We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry. You start as a customer, but you'll leave as a friend.

Now that the world has reopened we’ve been able to organise some of the postponed trips!
October 2022 saw us back at Amun Ini, Bohol, The Philippines and then we finally got back to the Solomons for a week on The Master liveaboard at the end of January 2023.
Kym and I will be heading to Atlantis Resort in Puerta Galera, The Philippines for some R&R (& lots of diving) in October – so watch this space for our photos.
We set up a trip to Palau for March 2024 and it was full virtually instantly – sorry for those who missed out.
Later in 2024 we’re currently open to suggestions – some of the locations we’re looking at include Tufi (PNG ), Truk Lagoon (as soon as we can get there! About Blr | Blue Lagoon Resort | Chuuk (trukbluelagoonresort.com)) or possibly VoliVoli Resort ( volivoli.com ) in Fiji.